Our commitment

At RONA, our commitment to serving Canadians goes well beyond our retail operations. We are determined to bring to life inspiring community projects and forward-looking environmental programs—today and for years to come.

2023 Sustainable Development Report

Browse through our 2023 Sustainable Development Report and find out how we are living our three-pronged sustainability commitment.

Our products

The products we sell make up the bulk of our operations' impact on the environment and the daily lives of our customers. We are thus careful to adopt responsible procurement policies and offer our customers a wide selection of safe, innovative and eco-friendly products.

Our operations

We take concrete steps to reduce the environmental footprint of our operations and join our efforts to the fight against climate change.

Our communities

Overseen by the RONA Foundation, our community involvement program allows us to help build stronger communities by presenting approximately $3M to charities yearly. This adds a whole new dimension to something we hold dear: making a difference in the lives of many people, every day.